Pacer Instruments™
Precision Measurement Instruments
Miltronics Manufacturing, Inc. is the proud manufacturer of Pacer Instruments™ precision measurement systems. Our Pacer Instruments™ product line is best known for its precision anemometers available with integral hygrometers and thermometers. Miltronics has been providing high quality, high reliability B2B and B2C electronic products for over 30 years.
Pacer Instruments™ Product Line
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Pacer has been providing high quality precision measuring devices for over 30 years.
Office Hours
Miltronics Manufacturing Svcs, Inc.
95 Krif Road, Keene, NH 03431
Monday-Thursday: 8am-5pm EST
Friday: 8am-Noon
Closed weekends and holidays
Contact Us
Toll Free: (800) 283-1141
Local Phone: (603) 352-0187
Fax: (603) 352-7649
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